Family Album
Photo installation, Mercury 20 Gallery, Oakland, California, 2020.
Framed digital C-prints
The photo series Family Album consists of large-scale, low-resolution images culled from my family history. Ranging in resolution from easily- to barely-recognizable, the images mirror the process of our loved ones disappearing from our lives.
Digital photography and the camera-phone make it possible to document every moment. Prior to the digital image, there was film. For sixty years, my father meticulously documented the major events in our family's life with Kodachrome and Ektachrome slides. During reunions my family and I would spend entire weekends viewing projected slides and reliving the intimate moments we shared.
Following the recent passing of both of my parents, I've chosen a few of these images and produced low-resolution enlargements: mom and dad kissing in the back of a car on their wedding day; my sister, Carol, their first-born, toddling by a lake; and a young me embracing my teddy bear. I'm asking my viewer to look past the specific content of these images, and to experience the gradual transformation of meaning and memory attached to them.

Family Album
Installation view: Sue’s 50th, Sunset Beach, Florida, Sept 2, 2003, 2020.
Digital C-print, 30” x 42”

Family Album
Family Album (partial installation view), 2020
Digital C-prints, 30” x 42” each

Family Album
Mom and Dad, Chicago, June 23, 1951, 2020
Digital C-print, 30” x 42”

Family Album
Carol, Island Lake, Michigan, 1958, 2020
Digital C-print, 30” x 42”

Family Album
Family Album (partial installation view), 2020
Digital C-prints, dimensions variable

Family Album
Me & Teddy, Gadsden, Alabama, 1969, 2020
Digital C-print, 30” x 35”

Family Album
Mom, Aunt Joan's First Wedding, 1955, 2020
Digital C-prints, 48” x 86” installed

Family Album
Sue’s 50th, Sunset Beach, Florida, September 2, 2003, 2020
Digital C-print, 30” x 42”